Presentation in English

Primary school Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu is located in the village Podgorje near Slovenj Gradec which is an important town in Koroska, a beautiful region of Slovenia. In fact, we are three schools together as it is also shown in our symbol – three green spruces together above a book.

In the central school, there are about 150 pupils from 6 to 15 years old and our nine-year school program is held in a nice school environment.

The second school is 12 km away from Podgorje, close to our famous mountain Urslja gora (1699m). This school is called Primary school Razbor and there are mixed age classes held there because less pupils live in the village. Their homes – mostly farms – are dispersed all over this wide mountain area.
The third school is called Primary school Smiklavz and it is 4 km away from Podgorje. It is located underneath another mountain – Graska Gora. There are two mixed age classes from 1st to 4th grade.

(Število obiskov 86)